The DupFileNames application was designed to be a small tool that will allow you to search your HDD for duplicate file names (designed first for MP3s). I then added the ability to check CRC32 so if the file is name completely different but the CRC is the same then it can detect those also.
There are four modes to verify duplication:
(1) Both files same file name length checks for common characters,
(2) Both files different filename length (file 1 longer or shorter) check for common character groups, and
(3) Check the file CRC32.
I thought this was better because most file duplication checkers I have seen do not check for file name. This is important in MP3s because I could have TWO MP3s of the same song, but created by different people so they will have a different CRC32 but will have the same OR similar name.

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(1) Both files same file name length checks for common characters, and
(2) Both files different filename length (file 1 longer or shorter) check for common character groups, and
(3) Check the file CRC32.
A.3gp file consists of a header, and a variable number of audio frames. There is also the.aac file which consists of a header, and a variable number of audio frames.
Header is how the file starts. It can have a maximum of 56 characters and must contain the following.
The start byte is 0xffdb. It is designed to save a lot of the headers in a file. There is a maximum of 7 bytes to be saved. When decoding the file you will have to skip over the saved bytes.
The file name size must be between 0 and 4,072 characters, if the file name is more then 4,072 characters then the rest of the file (audio) can be of a different format.
The first letter must be a character in the alphabet. A-Z, a-z, 0-9, or space. There are 2,520 letters in the alphabet, so there are 520 possible files names.
There are 26 lowercase letters, and 26 uppercase letters, so that gives 2,780 possible files names.
Now the file name must contain at least 3 of the following character: an uppercase letter, a lowercase letter, a number, and a space. This gives you 1,527 possible files names.
This leaves you with the possible files names of 1,319. It is pretty good for a search, but there can be duplicates.
Now we will need a method of looking for duplicate files. I decided to use the CRC32, or Cyclic Redundancy Check.
How the CRC32 works
A CRC32 is a 32-bit checksum that is used to verify data integrity. This type of checksum is used to ensure that a file has not been altered after it was initially created.
To calculate the CRC32 you start with a particular byte. In the case of an audio file this could be a byte from an MP3 header.
The CRC32 is 16 bits in
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– Compression: choose the type of compression (zip, gzip, or bzip2)
– Size:
If you would like to find and remove duplicate files from your computer, the program is designed for the following tasks:
– Find Duplicate files
– Find Files with the same name
– Sort duplicates alphabetically and display them in a tree list
– Sort duplicates by file size and display them in a tree list
The program contains two main components:
– Main window with options menu, file tree and tree list.
– Backup program which contains two parts:
– First part is a backup module. This module contains two components:
– Main window with options menu, file tree and tree list.
– Backup module with options menu, file tree and tree list.
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A really simple file editing tool for Windows!
Cheatpad is a simple file editing program that allows you to easily rename, move, cut, paste, delete, and copy files. The program will scan through every file in a folder, and display a list of all files. You can then use the mouse to drag and drop, or click to copy files to other locations. You can also select files and see the f
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CTF Explorer is a file utility which shows you the contents of any file. Files are shown as text strings or as strings with their lines divided into blocks. All text is displayed as ASCII characters, or in your default character encoding.
CTF Explorer is a file utility which shows you the contents of any file. Files are shown as text strings or as strings with their lines divided into blocks.
(1) File Name Length Checks – This is checking the file name length. The file name could be longer or shorter.
(2) CRC32 – If the CRC32 for the two files is the same it is the file or files have the same name.
(3) Both files different name (file 1 longer or shorter) check for common character groups.
(4) Check File name with common characters.
Since version 1.3 (only checked in 2.7) version 1.3+ allows checking for (3) and (4) but only checks for common character groups that start with 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F or G. The check for common characters starts with the character 0. If it is the first character in the file name it is an invalid character.
So, instead of using a seperate tool to do the CRC32 checks, this tool can handle the CRC32 checks and all file name checks and then provide a list of the files it finds to the user.
Other features include:
1) View in Tree View to view contents of each folder.
2) Search any file name recursively to check all subfolders.
3) Allows searching any folder recursively.
4) Allows searching for a partial file name.
5) Displays list of files found.
6) Has a ‘Diff’ mode that displays the differences between two files.
7) Has a ‘Change Log’ mode that displays the changes from one version to the next.
8) Has a ‘Help’ button.
9) Has a check for file name duplicates.
10) Has a check for duplicate file names without a duplicate.
11) Has a check for duplicate file names with a duplicate.
Note: Due to some of the limitations with the Internet Explorer (IE) version 7 and up I do not support Vista or IE8/9/10. I do use XP and IE8 and if you need it on those OS’s please let me know. Also it does NOT support non-English characters.
DupFileNames Installation
1) Make a backup of your eMail.htm file.
2) Download the Zip file from above.
3) Unzip file into your computer.
4) Double click the DupFileNames icon (DupFileNames.exe) to start the application
What’s New in the?
This tool was written using Delphi V6 and it runs under Windows.
I have to say that I have not run this on any Win2003 or Vista Machines yet but I am assuming this will work fine on those.
(4) Test Mode: To test my application, you can just let the program run over and over and it will work perfectly! It will verify each file by CRC32, name length, or both.
Here is a few things you should know before using this program:
1. The DupFileNames application was designed for MP3s only. It may not work with other files. I have only tested MP3s so I am not sure if it will work with other file types. If it does not work with MP3s, please say so.
2. The program checks the CRC32 and the name length if the file are the same (remember, each file is checked twice).
3. If there are more than 1 file, it will find all files and show the total number of files matched.
4. If you are going to scan a disk with NTFS permissions set to READ ONLY then it may not work.
5. It will not check for duplicate files on the desktop.
6. To put a software such as this on your website, send me the source, documentation, or any info and I will put it on the main website.
7. If you are satisfied with the results, send me your email address and I will send you a certificate of success.
8. You can rate the application.
9. I have to say that I am in no way responsible for any damage caused to your computer.
10. If you have any suggestions, let me know.
Screenshot of the software:
(1) After selecting the file type (MP3s are 1st) you want to check (2) and (3) are checked by default.
(2) The Name length is checked for common characters
(3) The CRC32 is checked
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The preparation and the use of certain molybdenum-vanadium-antimony oxide catalysts useful in the oxidative coupling of ethylenically unsaturated hydrocarbons to form olefin-containing products is described in the art. It is generally accepted that the antimony present in such catalysts is essential for the preparation of the desired catalyst composition. In the oxidation of ethylenically unsaturated compounds, as is well known, oxygen plays[cracked
System Requirements For DupFileNames:
OS: Windows 7 64-bit
Processor: Intel Core i3-370M 2.13 GHz 2GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GT525 256MB or ATI HD 4350 1GB
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Network: Broadband Internet connection recommended
Hard Drive: 7.50 GB available space
Controller: Xbox 360 Controller recommended
Sound Card: DirectX9 Compatible Sound Card with minimum requirement of 5.1 Surround Sound
See the differences between the standard version and the Edition Booster Pack that