Manaqib Siti Khadijah Pdf 55: A Must-Read Book for Every Muslim Woman
If you are looking for a book that will inspire you with the life and legacy of one of the most influential women in Islamic history, then you should read Manaqib Siti Khadijah Pdf 55. This book is a collection of stories and virtues of Sayyidah Khadijah al-Kubra, the first wife and first female follower of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
Sayyidah Khadijah was a noble woman from the Quraysh tribe, who was known for her wealth, beauty, wisdom and piety. She was a successful merchant who hired Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to trade her goods in Syria. She was impressed by his honesty, character and miracles, and proposed marriage to him. She supported him in his mission of spreading Islam, and sacrificed her wealth and comfort for the sake of Allah. She was the mother of six children, including Sayyidah Fatimah al-Zahra, the leader of the women of paradise.
Manaqib Siti Khadijah Pdf 55 is based on various sources, such as Kitab Ad-Durruts Tsamiin ‘ala Hidyatil Muhibbin Fii Manaqib As-Sayyidah Khadijah Ummal Mu’miniin by Ayah Guru Kubah, and Kitab Busyro by Abuya AsSayyid Muhammad AlMaliki. It narrates the events and incidents that highlight the virtues and merits of Sayyidah Khadijah, such as her generosity, loyalty, courage, patience, faith, wisdom and love. It also describes her relationship with Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), her children, her relatives and her companions.
Manaqib Siti Khadijah Pdf 55 is a book that will enrich your knowledge and faith, and motivate you to follow the example of Sayyidah Khadijah. It will also help you appreciate the role and status of women in Islam, and the rewards that Allah has prepared for them in this world and the hereafter.
One of the most tragic events in the life of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the early Muslim community was the death of Sayyidah Khadijah. She passed away in Ramadan of the year 10 after the Prophethood, i.e., in November 619 CE . She was about 65 years old at the time of her death.
Her death came after three years of hardship and suffering in the valley of Shi’b Abi Talib, where she and her husband and their relatives were exiled and boycotted by the rest of Quraysh. During this period, she endured hunger, thirst, cold, heat, fear and isolation for the sake of Allah and His Messenger. She spent her wealth and resources to support the Muslims and alleviate their distress. She comforted and encouraged Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) whenever he faced rejection, hostility and abuse from his enemies.
Sayyidah Khadijah was the first person to believe in Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his message. She was his loyal wife, his best friend, his trusted companion, his faithful supporter and his wise adviser. She was the mother of his children and the grandmother of his grandchildren. She was a source of love, mercy, happiness and peace for him.
When she died, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was deeply grieved and saddened. He buried her with his own hands in al-Hujun, a graveyard in Makkah. He later called that year the ‘Year of Sorrow’, as his uncle and protector Abu Talib also died shortly after her. He never forgot her kindness and generosity, and he always remembered her with gratitude and praise. He said: \”She believed in me when people disbelieved in me. And she trusted in me when people belied me. And she helped me with her wealth when people prevented me. And Allah granted me children by her, and He did not grant me children by any other woman.\”
Sayyidah Khadijah was not only a great wife and mother, but also a great influence on other women. She was a role model for the women of her time and for all generations to come. She was a woman of faith, courage, generosity, wisdom and dignity.
She was the first woman to accept Islam and to support Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in his mission. She taught Islam to other women and encouraged them to embrace the new faith. She was a leader among the women of Makkah and Medina, and she participated in the major events of the early Muslim community.
She was also a source of love and comfort for Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his daughters. He loved her dearly and praised her frequently. He said: \”The best of the women of Paradise are Khadijah bint Khuwaylid, Fatimah bint Muhammad, Maryam bint Imran and Asiyah bint Muzahim.\” He also said: \”Allah did not grant me better than her; she accepted me when people rejected me, she believed in me when people doubted me, she shared her wealth with me when people deprived me, and Allah granted me children only through her.\”
Sayyidah Khadijah’s influence on other women was so profound that even after her death, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) would remember her friends and send them gifts. His later wives would feel jealous of his love for her, even though they never met her. Sayyidatuna Aishah (may Allah be pleased with her) said: \”I never felt self honour (ghayrah) for any woman like I felt for Sayyidatuna Khadijah, although I never saw her. Nabi (peace be upon him) would speak a lot about her.\”
Sayyidah Khadijah was not only a great woman in this world, but also a great woman in the sight of Allah and His angels. She witnessed many miracles and signs that confirmed her faith and status. She was honoured by Allah and His Messenger in many ways.
One of the miracles that she witnessed was the splitting of the moon by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). She saw the moon split into two halves and then rejoin. She said: \”O Messenger of Allah, my eye has been dazzled.\” He said: \”No, by Allah, this is one of the signs of Allah that He has shown to people.\”
Another miracle that she witnessed was the increase of food and water by the blessing of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). She said: \”O Messenger of Allah, we have never seen anything like what we have seen today. We have been given food and drink, and we have eaten and drunk, but it has not decreased at all.\” He said: \”This is from the bounty of Allah. He gives to whom He wills without measure.\”
One of the honours that she received was the greeting from Allah and His angel Jibril (peace be upon him). Jibril came to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and said: \”O Messenger of Allah, this is Khadijah coming to you with a dish having meat soup (or some food or drink). When she reaches you, greet her on behalf of her Lord (Allah) and on my behalf, and give her the glad tidings of having a palace made of Qasab (i.e. pipes of precious stones and pearls) in Paradise, wherein there will be neither any noise nor any fatigue.\”
Another honour that she received was the testimony from Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) that she was one of the best women of Paradise. He said: \”The best women of Paradise are four: Khadijah bint Khuwaylid, Fatimah bint Muhammad, Maryam bint Imran and Asiyah bint Muzahim.\” He also said: \”Many men have reached perfection, but none among the women have reached perfection except Maryam bint Imran and Asiyah bint Muzahim. And the superiority of Khadijah over other women is like the superiority of Tharid (a dish) over other meals.\”
Sayyidah Khadijah was a noble woman from a noble lineage. She was the daughter of Khuwaylid ibn Asad, a leader of the Quraysh tribe in Makkah and a descendant of Ibrahim (peace be upon him) through his son Ismail (peace be upon him). She was also related to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) through their common ancestor Qusay ibn Kilab .
She was born in Makkah in the year 555 CE and grew up in a wealthy and respected family. She inherited her wealth from her father and continued to conduct trade after his death. She was known for her intelligence, honesty, generosity and piety. She was also known as Tahira (the pure one) because of her chastity and virtue.
She married Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) when she was about 40 years old and he was about 25 . She was his first and only wife until her death. She bore him six children: four daughters (Zainab, Ruqayyah, Umm Kulthum and Fatimah) and two sons (Qasim and Abdullah) who died in infancy . She was the grandmother of Hasan and Husain (may Allah be pleased with them), the leaders of the youth of Paradise.
Sayyidah Khadijah was a woman of many virtues and noble qualities. She was a woman of faith, courage, generosity, wisdom and dignity. She was a woman who loved Allah and His Messenger more than anything else. She was a woman who sacrificed her wealth and comfort for the sake of Islam and the Muslims. She was a woman who displayed the best conduct to her relatives, helped the poor and the needy, honoured the guests and supported the truth.
She was a woman of faith, as she was the first person to believe in Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his message. She never doubted him or wavered in her conviction. She prayed with him, fasted with him, and followed his commands. She was a woman who witnessed many miracles and signs that confirmed her faith and status. She was honoured by Allah and His angel Jibril (peace be upon him) with greetings and glad tidings of Paradise.
She was a woman of courage, as she faced many hardships and trials for the sake of Islam. She endured the persecution and boycott of the Quraysh, the mockery and abuse of the enemies, the hunger and thirst in the valley of Shi’b Abi Talib, and the loss of her children and relatives. She never complained or gave up hope. She always stood by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and defended him from harm.
She was a woman of generosity, as she spent her wealth and resources to support Islam and the Muslims. She financed the trade journeys of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), provided food and water to the Muslims in Makkah and Medina, donated to the poor and the needy, sponsored the emigration of some Muslims to Abyssinia, and contributed to the preparations for battles. She never hesitated or regretted giving for the sake of Allah.
She was a woman of wisdom, as she gave sound advice and guidance to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and others. She reassured him when he received his first revelation, consulted with her cousin Waraqah ibn Nawfal about his prophethood, encouraged him to preach Islam to his relatives, comforted him when he faced difficulties and challenges, and taught Islam to other women. She was a woman who understood the Quran and the Sunnah well.
She was a woman of dignity, as she preserved her honour and chastity throughout her life. She was known as Tahira (the pure one) among the people of Makkah. She married Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) when she was a widow with children from previous marriages. She remained faithful and loyal to him until her death. She never argued with him or harmed him in any way. She respected his rights and fulfilled his needs.
In conclusion, Sayyidah Khadijah was a remarkable woman who played a vital role in the history of Islam. She was the first wife and the first follower of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). She was his loyal partner, his faithful supporter, and his wise adviser. She was the mother of his children and the grandmother of his grandchildren. She was a source of love, mercy, happiness and peace for him.
She was a woman of many virtues and noble qualities. She was a woman of faith, courage, generosity, wisdom and dignity. She was a woman who loved Allah and His Messenger more than anything else. She was a woman who sacrificed her wealth and comfort for the sake of Islam and the Muslims. She was a woman who witnessed many miracles and signs that confirmed her faith and status. She was a woman who was honoured by Allah and His angel Jibril (peace be upon him) with greetings and glad tidings of Paradise.
She was a role model for the women of her time and for all generations to come. She was a leader among the women of Makkah and Medina, and she participated in the major events of the early Muslim community. She taught Islam to other women and encouraged them to embrace the new faith. She influenced many people with her character and conduct. She left behind a legacy of piety, generosity, wisdom and dignity.
She was one of the best women of Paradise, as Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) testified. He said: \”The best women of Paradise are four: Khadijah bint Khuwaylid, Fatimah bint Muhammad, Maryam bint Imran and Asiyah bint Muzahim.\” He also said: \”Many men have reached perfection, but none among the women have reached perfection except Maryam bint Imran and Asiyah bint Muzahim. And the superiority of Khadijah over other women is like the superiority of Tharid (a dish) over other meals.\”
May Allah be pleased with her and grant her the highest rank in Paradise. May He make us follow her example and benefit from her biography. May He make us among those who love her and honour her memory. Ameen.