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Getting Over It Apk Rexdl !FULL!

Getting Over It APK Rexdl: How to Download and Play the Most Frustrating Game Ever

If you are looking for a game that will test your patience, skill, and sanity, look no further than Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy. This game is one of the most frustrating and addictive games ever made, and it has gained a cult following among gamers who love a challenge. In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about Getting Over It, including what it is, why it is so popular and challenging, how to download and install it using APK Rexdl, and how to play and beat it. Let’s get started!

What is Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy?

Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy is a video game developed by Bennett Foddy, an Australian game designer and academic. The game was released in October 2017 as part of the Humble Bundle monthly subscription service, and later on Steam, iOS, Android, and other platforms. The game has received mixed reviews from critics and players alike, but it has also become a viral sensation on social media, streaming platforms, and YouTube.

The premise and gameplay of Getting Over It

The premise of Getting Over It is simple: you play as a man named Diogenes who is stuck in a cauldron with only a sledgehammer as his tool. Your goal is to climb up a mountain of random objects, such as rocks, trees, furniture, pipes, barrels, etc., using only your mouse to control the hammer. The game has no checkpoints, no save system, no tutorial, no story, no end. If you fall down, you have to start over from the beginning or from wherever you landed. The game is designed to be extremely hard and unforgiving, as the slightest mistake can cost you hours of progress.

The history and reception of Getting Over It

Getting Over It was inspired by an older game called Sexy Hiking, which was made by a Czech developer named Jazzuo in 2002. Sexy Hiking had a similar concept of climbing up a mountain with a hammer, but it was much more primitive and buggy. Foddy decided to remake Sexy Hiking as a tribute to Jazzuo and as an experiment in frustration-based design. He also wanted to explore the themes of perseverance, failure, and redemption in gaming.

Getting Over It was initially released as an exclusive game for the Humble Bundle subscribers in October 2017. However, it soon gained popularity among streamers and YouTubers who played it for their audiences. Some of the most famous examples are Markiplier, PewDiePie, Jacksepticeye, DanTDM, Mythpat, Techno Gamerz, etc. Their reactions to the game’s difficulty and frustration were hilarious and entertaining to watch. The game also spawned many memes, remixes, fan art, parodies, speedruns, etc.

The mechanics of Getting Over It are based on a realistic physics engine that simulates the movement and interaction of the objects in the game world. This means that everything in the game has weight, mass, shape,

texture, friction, etc. This means that everything in the game can affect your movement and progress, such as gravity, momentum, inertia, etc. This means that you have to be very careful and precise with your hammer movements, as the slightest mistake can cause you to fall down or get stuck.

The tips and tricks for overcoming the obstacles

The tips and tricks for overcoming the obstacles in Getting Over It are not easy to give or follow, as the game is very unpredictable and random. However, here are some general tips and tricks that may help you in your journey:

  • Practice makes perfect. The only way to get better at the game is to play it over and over again. You have to learn from your mistakes and failures, and try to improve your skills and strategies. You have to memorize the layout and features of the mountain, and plan your moves accordingly. You have to experiment with different techniques and methods, and find out what works best for you.
  • Be patient and calm. The game is designed to frustrate and anger you, but you have to resist the temptation to rage quit or smash your device. You have to keep your cool and maintain your focus. You have to accept that failure is inevitable and part of the game. You have to take breaks and relax when you feel stressed or tired. You have to enjoy the game for what it is, and not let it ruin your mood or day.
  • Be optimistic and positive. The game is meant to challenge and inspire you, but you have to believe in yourself and your abilities. You have to keep your motivation and determination high. You have to celebrate your achievements and progress, no matter how small or big they are. You have to listen to the narrator’s comments and quotes, and find meaning and wisdom in them. You have to have fun and laugh at the game’s humor and irony.

The resources and guides for learning from the experts

The resources and guides for learning from the experts in Getting Over It are plentiful and helpful, as the game has a large and active online community of players who share their experiences and advice. Here are some of the best resources and guides that you can use to learn from the experts:


Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy is a game that will make you love it or hate it, or both. It is a game that will challenge your skills, patience, and sanity. It is a game that will frustrate you and inspire you. It is a game that will teach you about failure and success. It is a game that will make you laugh and cry. It is a game that will make you think and feel.

If you want to play this game on your Android device, you can either buy the official version from the Google Play Store, or download the unofficial version from APK Rexdl. However, be aware of the risks and precautions of using APK Rexdl, as it is not an official or authorized source of Android apps. You should also use some tips and tricks to overcome the obstacles in the game, and learn from the experts who have played and beaten the game before.

Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy is a game that is not for everyone, but it is a game that everyone should try at least once. It is a game that will test your limits and challenge your expectations. It is a game that will reward you with the most satisfying and meaningful experience ever. It is a game that will change your life.


Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy:

  1. How long does it take to beat Getting Over It?
  2. The answer to this question depends on your skill level, luck, and persistence. Some players have beaten the game in less than 2 minutes, while others have taken more than 100 hours. The average time to beat the game is around 5 hours, according to

  3. What happens when you beat Getting Over It?
  4. When you beat Getting Over It, you will reach the top of the mountain, where you will see a golden trophy and a sign that says “The End”. You will also hear the narrator’s final words and a song that plays over the credits. You will also unlock some secret rewards and achievements, such as the secret ending, the secret chat room, and the secret golden cauldron.

  5. Is Getting Over It based on a true story?
  6. No, Getting Over It is not based on a true story. However, it does have some references and inspirations from real life. For example, the protagonist Diogenes is named after an ancient Greek philosopher who lived in a barrel. The narrator Bennett Foddy is the actual developer and voice actor of the game. The mountain of objects is based on an art installation called “Tower of Babel” by Barnaby Furnas.

  7. Is Getting Over It multiplayer?
  8. No, Getting Over It is not multiplayer. However, it does have some social features that allow you to interact with other players who have finished the game. For example, you can join the secret chat room where you can talk to other players who have reached the top of the mountain. You can also watch other players’ streams or videos of them playing the game.

  9. Is Getting Over It free?
  10. No, Getting Over It is not free. The official version of the game costs $4.99 on the Google Play Store for Android devices. However, you can download the unofficial version of the game for free from APK Rexdl, which is a website that provides free download links for various Android games and apps that are either paid, modified, or hacked.


This means that the game is very hard to master or control; it requires a lot of precision, timing,

coordination, and practice. It also means that the game is very unpredictable and random; it can change or vary depending on the situation. The game can be affected by external factors such as lag, glitches, bugs, etc. The game can also be influenced by internal factors such as mood, emotion, motivation, etc. The game can be different every time you play it, and it can surprise you or disappoint you at any moment.

The rewards and achievements of Getting Over It

Another reason why Getting Over It is so popular and challenging is because of its rewards and achievements. The game does not have any explicit rewards or goals; it does not give you any points, coins, stars, medals, etc. The game does not have any explicit achievements or trophies; it does not give you any badges, titles, ranks, etc. The game does not have any explicit feedback or guidance; it does not give you any hints, tips, tutorials, etc.

However, the game does have some implicit rewards and achievements that are more meaningful and satisfying. The game rewards you with the sense of accomplishment and satisfaction that comes from overcoming a difficult obstacle or reaching a new height. The game rewards you with the sense of discovery and exploration that comes from finding a new path or a hidden area. The game rewards you with the sense of humor and irony that comes from hearing the narrator’s comments or seeing the game’s references. The game rewards you with the sense of community and camaraderie that comes from sharing your experiences or watching others play.

The game also has some secret rewards and achievements that are only known to a few players who have completed the game or reached certain milestones. For example, the game has a secret ending that reveals the true meaning and purpose of the game. The game also has a secret chat room that allows you to talk to other players who have finished the game. The game also has a secret golden cauldron that changes your appearance and gives you a special ability. These rewards and achievements are not necessary or mandatory, but they add to the game’s appeal and mystery.

How to download and install Getting Over It APK Rexdl?

If you want to play Getting Over It on your Android device, you have two options: you can buy the official version from the Google Play Store for $4.99, or you can download the unofficial version from APK Rexdl for free. APK Rexdl is a website that provides free download links for various Android games and apps that are either paid, modified, or hacked. In this section, we will show you how to download and install Getting Over It APK Rexdl on your Android device.

What is APK Rexdl and why use it?

APK Rexdl is a website that offers free download links for various Android games and apps that are either paid, modified, or hacked. APK stands for Android Package Kit, which is the file format used by Android to distribute and install applications. Rexdl stands for ReX Download Link, which is the name of the website.

Some of the reasons why people use APK Rexdl are:

  • They want to save money by downloading paid games and apps for free.
  • They want to access features or content that are not available in the official versions.
  • They want to bypass restrictions or limitations imposed by the developers or publishers.
  • They want to try out new games and apps before buying them.
  • They want to have fun by experimenting with different mods or hacks.

The steps to download and install Getting Over It APK Rexdl

The steps to download and install Getting Over It APK Rexdl are as follows:

  1. Go to, which is the official page for Getting Over It APK Rexdl on the website.
  2. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the green button that says “Go to Download Page”.
  3. You will be redirected to another page where you will see several download links for different versions of Getting Over It APK Rexdl. Choose the latest version (which is 1.9.4 as of June 2023) and click on it.
  4. You will be redirected to another page where you will see a countdown timer and a captcha code. Wait for the timer to finish and enter the captcha code correctly.
  5. You will be redirected to another page where you will see a blue button that says “Download”. Click on it and wait for the download to start.
  6. Once the download is complete, locate the file in your device’s storage and tap on it to open it.
  7. You will be prompted to allow the installation of apps from unknown sources. This is necessary because APK Rexdl is not an official source of Android apps. To do this, go to your device’s settings, security, and enable the option to install apps from unknown sources.
  8. You will be prompted to confirm the installation of Getting Over It APK Rexdl. Tap on “Install” and wait for the installation to finish.
  9. Once the installation is complete, you can launch the game from your app drawer or home screen. Enjoy!

The risks and precautions of using APK Rexdl

While using APK Rexdl can be convenient and fun, it also comes with some risks and precautions that you should be aware of. Some of them are:

  • APK Rexdl is not an official or authorized source of Android apps. This means that the apps you download from it may not be verified, tested, or updated by the developers or publishers. This can lead to compatibility issues, performance issues, bugs, glitches, errors, etc.
  • APK Rexdl may contain apps that are modified, hacked, or infected with malware. This means that the apps you download from it may not be safe, secure, or reliable. They may contain viruses, spyware, adware, ransomware, etc. that can harm your device, data, or privacy.
  • APK Rexdl may violate the terms and conditions of the original apps or games. This means that the apps you download from it may not be legal, ethical, or respectful. They may infringe on the intellectual property rights, privacy rights, or moral rights of the developers or publishers. They may also affect the fairness and balance of the gameplay or the online community.

Therefore, if you decide to use APK Rexdl, you should do so at your own risk and responsibility. You should also take some precautions to protect yourself and your device from any potential problems. Some of them are:

  • Always scan the files you download from APK Rexdl with a reputable antivirus or anti-malware software before installing them on your device.
  • Always backup your device’s data and settings before installing any apps from APK Rexdl on your device.
  • Always read the reviews and comments of other users who have downloaded and used the same apps from APK Rexdl before installing them on your device.
  • Always uninstall any apps from APK Rexdl that you don’t use or trust anymore from your device.
  • Always report any suspicious or malicious apps from APK Rexdl to the website’s administrators or moderators.

How to play and beat Getting Over It?

If you have successfully downloaded and installed Getting Over It APK Rexdl on your Android device, you are ready to play and beat the game. However, this is easier said than done. As we have mentioned before, Getting Over It is one of the most frustrating and challenging games ever made. It will take you a lot of time, effort, and luck to complete it. In this section, we will give you some tips and tricks on how to play and beat Getting Over It.

The controls and mechanics of Getting Over It

The controls and mechanics of Getting Over It are very simple but very hard to master. You only need to use your mouse (or finger) to control the hammer that Diogenes holds in his hands. You can move the hammer in any direction by moving your mouse (or finger) in that direction. You can also swing the hammer by moving your mouse (or finger) in a circular motion. You can use the hammer to push yourself forward, pull yourself up, hook yourself onto objects, balance yourself on edges, etc.

The mechanics of Getting Over It are based on a realistic physics engine that simulates the movement and interaction of the objects in the game world. This means that everything in the game has weight, mass, shape,

texture, friction, etc. This means that everything in the game can affect your movement and progress, such as gravity, momentum, inertia, etc. This means that you have to be very careful and precise with your hammer movements, as the slightest mistake can cause you to fall down or get stuck.

The tips and tricks for overcoming the obstacles

The tips and tricks for overcoming the obstacles in Getting Over It are not easy to give or follow, as the game is very unpredictable and random. However, here are some general tips and tricks that may help you in your journey:

  • Practice makes perfect. The only way to get better at the game is to play it over and over again. You have to learn from your mistakes and failures, and try to improve your skills and strategies. You have to memorize the layout and features of the mountain, and plan your moves accordingly. You have to experiment with different techniques and methods, and find out what works best for you.
  • Be patient and calm. The game is designed to frustrate and anger you, but you have to resist the temptation to rage quit or smash your device. You have to keep your cool and maintain your focus. You have to accept that failure is inevitable and part of the game. You have to take breaks and relax when you feel stressed or tired. You have to enjoy the game for what it is, and not let it ruin your mood or day.
  • Be optimistic and positive. The game is meant to challenge and inspire you, but you have to believe in yourself and your abilities. You have to keep your motivation and determination high. You have to celebrate your achievements and progress, no matter how small or big they are. You have to listen to the narrator’s comments and quotes, and find meaning and wisdom in them. You have to have fun and laugh at the game’s humor and irony.

The resources and guides for learning from the experts

The resources and guides for learning from the experts in Getting Over It are plentiful and helpful, as the game has a large and active online community of players who share their experiences and advice. Here are some of the best resources and guides that you can use to learn from the experts:


Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy is a game that will make you love it or hate it, or both. It is a game that will challenge your skills, patience, and sanity. It is a game that will frustrate you and inspire you. It is a game that will teach you about failure and success. It is a game that will make you laugh and cry. It is a game that will make you think and feel.

If you want to play this game on your Android device, you can either buy the official version from the Google Play Store, or download the unofficial version from APK Rexdl. However, be aware of the risks and precautions of using APK Rexdl, as it is not an official or authorized source of Android apps. You should also use some tips and tricks to overcome the obstacles in the game, and learn from the experts who have played and beaten the game before.

Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy is a game that is not for everyone, but it is a game that everyone should try at least once. It is a game that will test your limits and challenge your expectations. It is a game that will reward you with the most satisfying and meaningful experience ever. It is a game that will change your life.


Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy:

  1. How long does it take to beat Getting Over It?
  2. The answer to this question depends on your skill level, luck, and persistence. Some players have beaten the game in less than 2 minutes, while others have taken more than 100 hours. The average time to beat the game is around 5 hours, according to

  3. What happens when you beat Getting Over It?
  4. When you beat Getting Over It, you will reach the top of the mountain, where you will see a golden trophy and a sign that says “The End”. You will also hear the narrator’s final words and a song that plays over the credits. You will also unlock some secret rewards and achievements, such as the secret ending, the secret chat room, and the secret golden cauldron.

  5. Is Getting Over It based on a true story?
  6. No, Getting Over It is not based on a true story. However, it does have some references and inspirations from real life. For example, the protagonist Diogenes is named after an ancient Greek philosopher who lived in a barrel. The narrator Bennett Foddy is the actual developer and voice actor of the game. The mountain of objects is based on an art installation called “Tower of Babel” by Barnaby Furnas.

  7. Is Getting Over It multiplayer?
  8. No, Getting Over It is not multiplayer. However, it does have some social features that allow you to interact with other players who have finished the game. For example, you can join the secret chat room where you can talk to other players who have reached the top of the mountain. You can also watch other players’ streams or videos of them playing the game.

  9. Is Getting Over It free?
  10. No, Getting Over It is not free. The official version of the game costs $4.99 on the Google Play Store for Android devices. However, you can download the unofficial version of the game for free from APK Rexdl, which is a website that provides free download links for various Android games and apps that are either paid, modified, or hacked.


Getting Over It received mixed reviews from critics and players alike. Some praised the game’s unique gameplay, challenging levels, physics engine, graphics, sound effects, music, narration, humor, etc. Others criticized the game’s unfairness, randomness, repetitiveness, lack of content

, frustration, etc. Some even called the game a troll, a joke, a scam, or a waste of time. However, the game also has a loyal fan base who appreciate the game’s challenge, originality, and message. The game has sold over 2.5 million copies as of 2019, and it has won several awards and nominations, such as the Nuovo Award at the Independent Games Festival in 2018.

The developer and narrator of Getting Over It

The developer and narrator of Getting Over It is Bennett Foddy, an Australian game designer and academic. He is best known for creating games that are intentionally hard and frustrating, such as QWOP, GIRP, CLOP, etc. He is also a professor of bioethics at New York University and a former bassist for the band Cut Copy. He has a PhD in philosophy from the University of Melbourne.

Foddy provides the voice-over narration for Getting Over It, which is one of the most distinctive features of the game. He comments on the player’s progress, failures, and emotions throughout the game. He also quotes various philosophers, writers, artists, and musicians who have talked about frustration, failure, perseverance, etc. Some of his quotes are encouraging, some are sarcastic, some are humorous, and some are downright depressing. His narration adds to the game’s atmosphere and personality, and it also reflects his own views on gaming and life.

Why is Getting Over It so popular and challenging?

Getting Over It is not a game for everyone. It is a game that requires a lot of patience, skill, concentration, and determination. It is a game that will make you rage, cry, laugh, and scream. It is a game that will test your limits and challenge your expectations. So why do people play it? And what makes it so hard?

The appeal of frustration and failure

One of the reasons why people play Getting Over It is because they enjoy the feeling of frustration and failure. This may sound counterintuitive, but there is actually a psychological explanation for this phenomenon. According to Foddy, frustration and failure are essential elements of gaming that create a sense of challenge, engagement, and satisfaction. He argues that games that are too easy or too hard are boring and unfulfilling, while games that are just right are rewarding and fun. He also claims that frustration and failure can trigger positive emotions such as curiosity, excitement, relief, pride, etc., when they are overcome or avoided.

Another reason why people play Getting Over It is because they want to prove themselves or others wrong. They want to show that they can beat the game or at least make some progress. They want to overcome their own limitations or doubts. They want to compete with other players or compare their achievements. They want to earn respect or recognition from their peers or fans. They want to feel accomplished or validated by completing a difficult task.

The difficulty and randomness of the physics engine

Another reason why Getting Over It is so popular and challenging is because of its difficulty and randomness. The game uses a realistic physics engine that simulates the movement and interaction of the objects in the game world. This means that the game is not scripted or predictable; it depends on the player’s actions and reactions. The game also has a lot of variables that affect the gameplay, such as gravity, friction, momentum, inertia, etc.

This means that the game is very hard to master or control; it requires a lot of precision, timing,

coordination, and practice. It also means that the game is very unpredictable and random; it can change or vary depending on the situation. The game can be affected by external factors such as lag, glitches, bugs, etc. The game can also be influenced by internal factors such as mood, emotion, motivation, etc. The game can be different every time you play it, and it can surprise you or disappoint you at any moment.

The rewards and achievements of Getting Over It

Another reason why Getting Over It is so popular and challenging is because of its rewards and achievements. The game does not have any explicit rewards or goals; it does not give you any points, coins, stars, medals, etc. The game does not have any explicit achievements or trophies; it does not give you any badges, titles, ranks, etc. The game does not have any explicit feedback or guidance; it does not give you any hints, tips, tutorials, etc.

However, the game does have some implicit rewards and achievements that are more meaningful and satisfying. The game rewards you with the sense of accomplishment and satisfaction that comes from overcoming a difficult obstacle or reaching a new height. The game rewards you with the sense of discovery and exploration that comes from finding a new path or a hidden area. The game rewards you with the sense of humor and irony that comes from hearing the narrator’s comments or seeing the game’s references. The game rewards you with the sense of community and camaraderie that comes from sharing your experiences or watching others play.

The game also has some secret rewards and achievements that are only known to a few players who have completed the game or reached certain milestones. For example, the game has a secret ending that reveals the true meaning and purpose of the game. The game also has a secret chat room that allows you to talk to other players who have finished the game. The game also has a secret golden cauldron that changes your appearance and gives you a special ability. These rewards and achievements are not necessary or mandatory, but they add to the game’s appeal and mystery.

How to download and install Getting Over It APK Rexdl?

If you want to play Getting Over It on your Android device, you have two options: you can buy the official version from the Google Play Store for $4.99, or you can download the unofficial version from APK Rexdl for free. APK Rexdl is a website that provides free download links for various Android games and apps that are either paid, modified, or hacked. In this section, we will show you how to download and install Getting Over It APK Rexdl on your Android device.

What is APK Rexdl and why use it?

APK Rexdl is a website that offers free download links for various Android games and apps that are either paid, modified, or hacked. APK stands for Android Package Kit, which is the file format used by Android to distribute and install applications. Rexdl stands for ReX Download Link, which is the name of the website.

Some of the reasons why people use APK Rexdl are:

  • They want to save money by downloading paid games and apps for free.
  • They want to access features or content that are not available in the official versions.
  • They want to bypass restrictions or limitations imposed by the developers or publishers.
  • They want to try out new games and apps before buying them.
  • They want to have fun by experimenting with different mods or hacks.

The steps to download and install Getting Over It APK Rexdl

The steps to download and install Getting Over It APK Rexdl are as follows:

  1. Go to, which is the official page for Getting Over It APK Rexdl on the website.
  2. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the green button that says “Go to Download Page”.
  3. You will be redirected to another page where you will see several download links for different versions of Getting Over It APK Rexdl. Choose the latest version (which is 1.9.4 as of June 2023) and click on it.
  4. You will be redirected to another page where you will see a countdown timer and a captcha code. Wait for the timer to finish and enter the captcha code correctly.
  5. You will be redirected to another page where you will see a blue button that says “Download”. Click on it and wait for the download to start.
  6. Once the download is complete, locate the file in your device’s storage and tap on it to open it.
  7. You will be prompted to allow the installation of apps from unknown sources. This is necessary because APK Rexdl is not an official source of Android apps. To do this, go to your device’s settings, security, and enable the option to install apps from unknown sources.
  8. You will be prompted to confirm the installation of Getting Over It APK Rexdl. Tap on “Install” and wait for the installation to finish.
  9. Once the installation is complete, you can launch the game from your app drawer or home screen. Enjoy!

The risks and precautions of using APK Rexdl

While using APK Rexdl can be convenient and fun, it also comes with some risks and precautions that you should be aware of. Some of them are:

  • APK Rexdl is not an official or authorized source of Android apps. This means that the apps you download from it may not be verified, tested, or updated by the developers or publishers. This can lead to compatibility issues, performance issues, bugs, glitches, errors, etc.
  • APK Rexdl may contain apps that are modified, hacked, or infected with malware. This means that the apps you download from it may not be safe, secure, or reliable. They may contain viruses, spyware, adware, ransomware, etc. that can harm your device, data, or privacy.
  • APK Rexdl may violate the terms and conditions of the original apps or games. This means that the apps you download from it may not be legal, ethical, or respectful. They may infringe on the intellectual property rights, privacy rights, or moral rights of the developers or publishers. They may also affect the fairness and balance of the gameplay or the online community.

Therefore, if you decide to use APK Rexdl, you should do so at your own risk and responsibility. You should also take some precautions to protect yourself and your device from any potential problems. Some of them are:

  • Always scan the files you download from APK Rexdl with a reputable antivirus or anti-malware software before installing them on your device.
  • Always backup your device’s data and settings before installing any apps from APK Rexdl on your device.
  • Always read the reviews and comments of other users who have downloaded and used the same apps from APK Rexdl before installing them on your device.
  • Always uninstall any apps from APK Rexdl that you don’t use or trust anymore from your device.
  • Always report any suspicious or malicious apps from APK Rexdl to the website’s administrators or moderators.

How to play and beat Getting Over It?

If you have successfully downloaded and installed Getting Over It APK Rexdl on your Android device, you are ready to play and beat the game. However, this is easier said than done. As we have mentioned before, Getting Over It is one of the most frustrating and challenging games ever made. It will take you a lot of time, effort, and luck to complete it. In this section, we will give you some tips and tricks on how to play and beat Getting Over It.

The controls and mechanics of Getting Over It

The controls and mechanics of Getting Over It are very simple but very hard to master. You only need to use your mouse (or finger) to control the hammer that Diogenes holds in his hands. You can move the hammer in any direction by moving your mouse (or finger) in that direction. You can also swing the hammer by moving your mouse (or finger) in a circular motion. You can use the hammer to push yourself forward, pull yourself up, hook yourself onto objects, balance yourself on edges, etc.

The mechanics of Getting Over It are based on a realistic physics engine that simulates the movement and interaction of the objects in the game world. This means that everything in the game has weight, mass, shape,

texture, friction, etc. This means that everything in the game can affect your movement and progress, such as gravity, momentum, inertia, etc. This means that you have to be very careful and precise with your hammer movements, as the slightest mistake can cause you to fall down or get stuck.

The tips and tricks for overcoming the obstacles

The tips and tricks for overcoming the obstacles in Getting Over It are not easy to give or follow, as the game is very unpredictable and random. However, here are some general tips and tricks that may help you in your journey:

  • Practice makes perfect. The only way to get better at the game is to play it over and over again. You have to learn from your mistakes and failures, and try to improve your skills and strategies. You have to memorize the layout and features of the mountain, and plan your moves accordingly. You have to experiment with different techniques and methods, and find out what works best for you.
  • Be patient and calm. The game is designed to frustrate and anger you, but you have to resist the temptation to rage quit or smash your device. You have to keep your cool and maintain your focus. You have to accept that failure is inevitable and part of the game. You have to take breaks and relax when you feel stressed or tired. You have to enjoy the game for what it is, and not let it ruin your mood or day.
  • Be optimistic and positive. The game is meant to challenge and inspire you, but you have to believe in yourself and your abilities. You have to keep your motivation and determination high. You have to celebrate your achievements and progress, no matter how small or big they are. You have to listen to the narrator’s comments and quotes, and find meaning and wisdom in them. You have to have fun and laugh at the game’s humor and irony.

The resources and guides for learning from the experts

The resources and guides for learning from the experts in Getting Over It are plentiful and helpful, as the game has a large and active online community of players who share their experiences and advice. Here are some of the best resources and guides that you can use to learn from the experts:


Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy is a game that will make you love it or hate it, or both. It is a game that will challenge your skills, patience, and sanity. It is a game that will frustrate you and inspire you. It is a game that will teach you about failure and success. It is a game that will make you laugh and cry. It is a game that will make you think and feel.

If you want to play this game on your Android device, you can either buy the official version from the Google Play Store, or download the unofficial version from APK Rexdl. However, be aware of the risks and precautions of using APK Rexdl, as it is not an official or authorized source of Android apps. You should also use some tips and tricks to overcome the obstacles in the game, and learn from the experts who have played and beaten the game before.

Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy is a game that is not for everyone, but it is a game that everyone should try at least once. It is a game that will test your limits and challenge your expectations. It is a game that will reward you with the most satisfying and meaningful experience ever. It is a game that will change your life.


Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy:

  1. How long does it take to beat Getting Over It?
  2. The answer to this question depends on your skill level, luck, and persistence. Some players have beaten the game in less than 2 minutes, while others have taken more than 100 hours. The average time to beat the game is around 5 hours, according to

  3. What happens when you beat Getting Over It?
  4. When you beat Getting Over It, you will reach the top of the mountain, where you will see a golden trophy and a sign that says “The End”. You will also hear the narrator’s final words and a song that plays over the credits. You will also unlock some secret rewards and achievements, such as the secret ending, the secret chat room, and the secret golden cauldron.

  5. Is Getting Over It based on a true story?
  6. No, Getting Over It is not based on a true story. However, it does have some references and inspirations from real life. For example, the protagonist Diogenes is named after an ancient Greek philosopher who lived in a barrel. The narrator Bennett Foddy is the actual developer and voice actor of the game. The mountain of objects is based on an art installation called “Tower of Babel” by Barnaby Furnas.

  7. Is Getting Over It multiplayer?
  8. No, Getting Over It is not multiplayer. However, it does have some social features that allow you to interact with other players who have finished the game. For example, you can join the secret chat room where you can talk to other players who have reached the top of the mountain. You can also watch other players’ streams or videos of them playing the game.

  9. Is Getting Over It free?
  10. No, Getting Over It is not free. The official version of the game costs $4.99 on the Google Play Store for Android devices. However, you can download the unofficial version of the game for free from APK Rexdl, which is a website that provides free download links for various Android games and apps that are either paid, modified, or hacked.


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